The Department of Internal Affairs

ngā kaunihera-a-rohe

Local Government in New Zealand - Local Councils


Balance Sheet

Public equity and total assets

All figures in $000s, as at year ended 30 June 2009 - 2018.

Local Authority Financial Statistics, Statistics New Zealand

Total debt and other liabilities

All figures in $000s, as at year ended 30 June 2009 - 2018.

Local Authority Financial Statistics, Statistics New Zealand


  1. This information has been prepared on an accrual basis.
  2. All figures are exclusive of GST.
  3. This information is drawn from the annual Local Authority Census questionnaire and from audited Annual Reports by Statistics New Zealand. While a validation process is applied by Statistics New Zealand to ensure consistency across these sources, variations in accounting treatment and the need for some estimation, means that there can be differences with council data.
  4. The information presented is for the Council alone. It does not include financials for any Council Controlled Organisation (an organisation where one or more Councils have 50% or more of the voting rights or have the right to appoint 50% or more of the directors) or for any Council Organisation (an organisation in which one or more Councils own/control any voting rights or have the right to appoint any of the directors), of the Council.
  5. The category definitions follow:
    Current assets - includes cash and bank deposits, receivables (debtors), prepayments, current investments and inventories.
    Fixed assets - includes land and buildings, infrastructural assets (roading network, sewerage, water and stormwater systems, parks and reserves), motor vehicles, plant and machinery, computer equipment and office furniture and equipment.
    Non-current assets - includes fixed assets, term investments and other non-current assets
    Current liabilities - includes accounts payables, bank overdrafts, current portion of loans and public debt and other current liabilities.
    Non-current liabilities - includes term debt, employee entitlements and other non-current liabilities.
    Total public equity - includes accumulated funds, reserves, asset revaluation reserves and retained earnings.
    Total assets total liabilities + public equity.

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